Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Week #3 Technology Related Post

This course is a great place to talk about technology issues with others facing the same issues. On Monday the technology teacher and I both received our current issue of Technology & Learning. We both were discussing one of the articles "Top 10 Tech Trends" We are both on our Technology Team in our district and the pace of technology seems to increasing every day and we feel we can't always keep up.
Here were the top 10 tech trends:
1. Data mining
2. Cyber-bullying
3. 21st Century skills
4. Digital content on the rise
5. Learning at leisure--on-line learning
6. Personal responders--Do you know what these even are?
7. Mobile tools--driving the path of ed reform
8. Bandwith is suddenly an issue--This is a huge issue in our school district this year!
9. The penguin is snowballing--open source Linux
10. The participatory web--Web 2.0--This certainly ties in.

These are all issues we all will be grappling with. There was another article in the same journal that people should read "Tossing out Texbooks" How a Tucson high school customized its curriclum around its laptop program.

If you haven't read Daniel Pink's "A Whole New Mind": why right brainers will rule the future" I highly recommend it. Pink is really on to something that will change the way we view education and should make us think about how we educate students now. Thought provoking!


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