Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week 6 # 13 del.icio.us

This site has such great potential. It can be extremely useful for bookmarking and linking your own professional sites, but it is with students that I see great potential. Students who are our "digital natives" instinctively see the "social networking" potential as a way of life. If they can link up with their friends and others in the global community through their interests by tagging them, think of the potential. I have been reading about tagging and have even been seeing some tags recently when doing research with students. While it may not be as categorized as librarians are used to, I can see how useful this can be. I am taking a curriculum course right now, and I can see how tagging would be useful in our group projects. I am also on several Vertical Teams in our district, and developing our own tagging and links for information we are sharing could be beneficial. This would be a great benefit for our 12 graders who are working on their Senior Projects. We are also doing an Independent Research project with a small group of 5th graders, and I know they would love this concept. A couple of them would really take off with this idea, and because they are the leaders, we would soon have several other fifth graders and sixth graders tagging. The whole concept is exciting! It has tremendous potential in the educational field.

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